02.27.25|09:57 AM
Member FDICFDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

Step-by-Step Instructions

  • Endorse the back of the check with “For Mobile Deposit Only” and your signature (Click here for a list of items that are ineligible to be deposited using this service.)
  • Login to the ProGrowth Bank app
  • Select Deposit
  • Select Deposit a check
  • Select the account you wish to deposit the funds into
  • Enter the amount of the check you plan to deposit
  • Select Take photos
  • You will then be prompted to take a picture of the front and back of the check. After each picture is taken, select Use to send the image or Retake to retake the photo.
  • After you select Use on the second image, select Make deposit and the images will be uploaded. Your deposit will then show as Deposit Pending.
  • Verify later in the day or the next business day that your deposit was approved and credited to your account. Deposits must be received before 2pm CST to be considered for deposit the same business day.
  • Once you have received credit for your deposit, mark the check as deposited and store in a safe place for 60 days. After 60 days, destroy the check appropriately. Do not throw the check in the trash.
  • For assistance, visit or contact your local branch.

Mobile Deposit Capture – Ineligible Items

The following items are ineligible to be deposited using Mobile Deposit Capture:

  • Money Orders, Savings Bonds, credit card advance checks, or traveler’s checks
  • Third party checks (checks originally made payable to a party other than you)
  • Checks payable jointly, unless deposited into an account in the name of all payees
  • Checks that have been altered, or which you know or suspect, or should know or suspect, are fraudulent or otherwise not authorized by the owner of the account on which the check is drawn
  • Foreign checks (check images of items drawn on banks located outside the United States)
  • Checks that are not payable in US currency
  • Check images that are illegible
  • Images of checks previously converted to Substitute Checks (as defined by Check 21)
  • Checks that are authorized over the phone and remotely created
  • Check Images with unreadable magnetic ink character recognition (“MICR”) information
  • Checks previously returned as unpaid
  • Checks with any endorsement on the back other than that specified in this agreement
  • Checks that have previously been submitted for deposit through a Mobile Deposit Capture service at any other financial institution or with ProGrowth Bank