02.27.25|10:21 AM
Member FDICFDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

Classic Savings

Start your savings program with Classic Savings. You'll enjoy a low minimum balance, easy access and a competitive interest rate.

Students 23 and under are eligible for our PG Panda Education Rewards. Click here to find out more on how to get rewarded for your good grades.

Classic Savings
Minimum Opening Deposit
Minimum Daily Available Balance to Earn Interest
Variable interest is calculated by the daily balance method, and is compounded and credited monthly.
Monthly Service Charge, if you are 23 or older and your average ledger balance is below $200.00 for the statement cycle.1
Maximum number of withdrawals or transfers
Debit Item Charge for each debit in excess of six (6) processed during the statement cycle.

1 Monthly service charge will be waived if you are age 22 and younger.

Subject to change.  Please contact us for current information on product terms and conditions, Truth-in-Savings Disclosures (TISD), interest rates and Annual Percentage Yields (APYs), and service charges and fees that may apply to each of these accounts.