02.27.25|10:31 AM
Member FDICFDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

Gold Money Market

Gold Money Market is ideal when you maintain at least $2,500 in your account. Your interest rate and APY is higher when your balance increases.
Gold Money Market
Minimum Opening Deposit
Minimum Daily Available Balance to Earn Interest
Variable interest is calculated by the daily balance method, and is compounded and credited monthly.
Monthly Service Charge, if average ledger balance is below $2,500.00 for the statement cycle.
Maximum number of withdrawals or transfers.
Debit Item Charge for each debit in excess of six (6) processed during the statement cycle.

Learn more about Gold Tiered Interest Rates.

Subject to change. Please contact us for current information on product terms and conditions, Truth-in-Savings Disclosures (TISD), interest rates and Annual Percentage Yields (APYs), and service charges and fees that may apply to each of these accounts.

Get More Value!

Check out Platinum Money Market for more benefits.