Quick Links
Certificate of Deposit
(Personal and Business)
* Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is accurate as of 12/23/2024. The APY shown is for fixed-rate CDs under $3,000,000. Minimum balance of $10,000 required to open and obtain the advertised APY. The APY assumes interest and principal remain in account until maturity. Penalty for early withdrawal. Fees could reduce earnings. Not available for Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs). We reserve the right to decline or limit deposits. Please contact an employee for further information about applicable account fees, terms and conditions that may apply.
IRA Certificate of Deposit
(Personal Accounts Only)
* Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is accurate as of 12/23/2024. Minimum balance of $1,000 required to open and obtain the advertised APY. The APY assumes interest and principal remain in account until maturity. Penalty for early withdrawal. Fees could reduce earnings. We reserve the right to decline or limit deposits. Please contact an employee for further information about applicable account fees, terms and conditions that may apply.
Tiered Savings Accounts
(Personal and Business)
* Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is accurate as of 12/23/2024 and may change after account opening. The APY assumes that funds remain on deposit for one year at the current interest rate. Fees could reduce earnings. Public Fund Money Market/Investor Accounts with balances of $250,000 or more will earn an interest rate 25 basis points below the interest rate shown here. Please contact an employee for further information about applicable account fees, terms and conditions that may apply.
Savings Accounts
(Personal and Business)
Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is accurate as of 12/23/2024 and may change after account opening. The APY assumes that funds remain on deposit for one year at the current interest rate. Fees could reduce earnings. Please contact an employee for further information about applicable account fees, terms and conditions that may apply.
Checking Accounts
(Personal and Business)
* Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is accurate as of 12/23/2024 and may change after account opening. The APY assumes that funds remain on deposit for one year at the current interest rate. Fees could reduce earnings. Please contact an employee for further information about applicable account fees, terms and conditions that may apply.
Tiered Checking Accounts
(Personal Accounts Only)
* Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is accurate as of 12/23/2024 and may change after account opening. The APY assumes that funds remain on deposit for one year at the current interest rate. Fees could reduce earnings. Please contact an employee for further information about applicable account fees, terms and conditions that may apply.